
News 6

DVSA response to media reports about decade-low driving test pass rate The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has rebutted claims that the driving test pass rate is at a decade-low because of a ‘dangerous’ manoeuvre. Reports in the media on 20 and 21 July 2019 claim that the current driving test pass rate of […]


News 5

Strict rules for smart motorways Smart motorways are designed to reduce congestion by using networks of cameras to monitor and manage traffic flow, and they are on the rise across the UK. Closed lanes marked by a red ‘X’ are strictly off-limits and the government is now considering strict penalties for drivers who flout the […]


News 4

Great news for NE London driving school, this month out of 15 practical tests we are delighted to announce 11 pupils passed their practical test. At times it was hard but they pulled through which got them to reach their end goal. We congratulate all their hard work and success for their future driving.


News 3

New fines and points for dangerously overtaking cyclists Motorist should always ensure they are being careful and considerate when overtaking cyclist to ensure they don’t put them in danger. New rules dictate, however that you can now face a fine and penalty point endorsements if you don’t do this. The new edition of the Highway […]


News 2

You can display green ‘probationary’ P plates to show that you’ve just passed your driving test. You don’t have to display them. You can leave them on your vehicle for as long as you like. In Northern Ireland you must use ‘R’ plates (restricted driver plates) for one year after you pass your test. L-plates. […]


News 1

Drivers from the UK living in the EU have been urged to swap their licence for a local one as soon as possible in case there is a no-deal Brexit. If they do not, they might have to pass a test in the country where they live. The government also said those living in the […]




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